Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We've got a good life

I am laying in bed awake. It is late and my husband is fast asleep next to me. If you were to listen closely you would hear his gently breathing. The peaceful sounds of the intake of a life source is soothing my soul right now. I lean in close and stoke his face gently, letting the softness of his skin grace my finger tips. If I breath in deeply, I can still smell his body wash and that fragrance is comforting to my heart. He is my best friend and partner in life. He means the world to me and I treasure every moment I have with him. I lay back and realize, we've got a good life.

We have been blessed beyond words. We our faith, each other, good jobs, family and friends that love us, a dog that is our best buddy, a beautiful house, dreams, aspirations, talents, and passions. We both have been able to follow our dreams and embark on journeys that are leading to destinations we never thought possible. We are together more then most married couples get to be and I wouldn't have it any other way. We adore each other and couldn't handle being apart for long. We've got a good life

For a while I have known that we have a good life. I know we are blessed. I took it for granted for a while. I allowed myself to become stressed with tangents and the joy of our blessings faded away. I was so boggled down with work that I couldn't enjoy our good life. The job that I loved so deeply, that allowed me to have a great life, was starting to consume me. But no longer. I won't let it consume me. I will embrace the our good life.
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