Thursday, May 13, 2010

I think I'll try this again: Live a fuller life.

Yep it has been since November since I posted. My photography blog of course has been well manicured and taken care of. The things that bring in the money get the most attention. But lately I have been feeling my soul trembling.

Philip and I have worked really hard to build our business. Our goal is to work really hard for the first couple of years so that down the road we can have more time for just us and our family (whatever shape that might take on). The goal is to gradually work up to not being busy.

Our lives now are really busy. We have to be busy so that we can make money, fact of life. But I don't like the constant being busy. I get sick when I get stressed from being busy. People think busy means you are doing important things all the time. Well half the time you are doing crap work to just get by and pay the bills, another fact of life.

But in our industry, there is the possibility to not be so busy all the time, and that is our goal. Not to make more money to spend on random crap but to make money so we can have time off and simply enjoy life, the way it was intended to be.

I once heard of a couple who would work 5 years, live very meagerly during those years and save up for traveling together. They would leave everything for a year and travel together seeing the world and experiencing other cultures. Then back to they old home and work a few more years till enough was saved up for the next trip together. That is starting to sound really good to me.

I think that might be a goal for P and myself, work hard to play hard.

We have a very special relationship. One that many say they can't have. We work together day in and day out. We have separate offices in our house but we are together all the time. We love it. Honestly if we worked separate normal 8-5 jobs I would go crazy. I love being with my husband. I cannot stand being away from him for long. I don't feel dependent upon him; I feel safe and secure when I am with him. I feel rested and at ease when he is around. I like being able to yell across the hall and he answers at all times during the day. I love hearing him working on new songs in his down time; his soft voice drifts through the halls and graces my ears. He is my best friend, support, and confidant.

We talk about everything together.We discuss new theories of sociology and politics. We discuss religion and our faith together. We keep the lines of communication always open
There isn't a single thing about me that he doesn't know. We laugh together, a lot. We have funny dances that we do together. We now play music together. We have what I have always wanted in a marriage, a deep and lasting unity that is also a fun and fulfilling friendship.

And this is why I want to have time off and not be busy all the time. I want to spend as much time as I can with my husband doing the things that we love to do together. I love my job, I honestly LOVE it. But there are still moments when it is still a job and I am busy paying bills, filling print orders, editing images, setting up meetings, marketing ourselves, ect. So we will work hard and give it our very all so that one day we can work at our leisure and enjoy our time together.

And that is one of the reasons I think my soul is stirring. I know that I am busting my butt to get to my goal. But I know it is a goal worth having. Before you think, "oh you need to live in the moment and enjoy the time you have," I must say that I love very single moment of my life. I wouldn't change a thing about it. I love waking up every day next the man of my dreams and living life with him. I walk into his office every day and tell him how thankful I am for him and that he is in my life. I have my dream life. It isn't perfect by any means but it is my life and I love it. I live every day to the fullest and I want to continue to live it, learning every day how to live it fuller and fuller.

And so I will end.
Until I find some more down time again,
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